Workout Instructions
A: Low Bar Back Squats
4 sets, 6 reps @ 90kg
- Bracing, winding elbows back & down
- Closing off lats, spread the floor, stacking rib cage over hips
B: Conventional Deadlift
1 set, 1 rep @ 120kg
3 sets, 6 reps @ 105kg
- Chin down
- Spine neutral
- “tight armpits” “leg press the floor away”
C: Dumbbell Walking Lunge
2 sets, 8 each leg
- Drive knee out to assist with balancing each rep
- Keep a slight angle in the torso keeping the weight in line with the working leg
D: Stiff Leg Deadlift
3 sets, 5-8 reps
- Very slight bend in knees
- Push hips as far back as range will allow
- Chin tucked & neutral spine